Sunday 8 June 2014


I love urban legends and all sorts of folk lore from around the world. I personally love British and Japanese of these two things, the latter always seems dark and twisted full of unhappy souls and revenge seeking creatures. Again, something I love to read about.

I found this manga but bumbling around online as I often find things, by accident and out of sheer boredom. The manga is two volumes long with a story to break the main one up between. So it's not a long one to finish and it's not ongoing.


A boy went to take his trash out late one night, and found a strange, creepy, lolita woman sitting amongst the garbage bags. She asked if he had a little sister, and he answered her, hurrying afterwards back to his apartment. When he looked out the window, she was gone. Who is the strange woman, and why does she give him such a bad feeling? 

The urban legend in the manga goes as follows.

You see a girl dressed in dirty gothic lolita clothing, if you walk past her she will ask you a question 'Do you have a little sister?' if you reply 'No I don't' She will become your sister. If you say 'I do' she'll try and kill your sister and take her place. The only way to avoid dying horridly is to not reply.

It was slow to start with as girl in lolita clothes gets more and more creepy and stalker like as the manga goes on, odd things happening as she breaks into his house to clean, and watch him sleep and other things all the while he's trying to figure out what is wrong with this girl.

He has a little sister who comes face to face with the creepy girl and things get worse for them both as soon the boy starts to realise more and more that this strange girl who is stalking him might be more then that as he hears of urban legends floating around and rumours of this 'Strange Lolita' cause him to look online for more answers, when he finds them they aren't good.

While trying to find the answers on how to get the girl to stop his own sister is being chased down and punished more by the strange girl. Soon he finds himself in an old mental hospital as all the secrets and abusive past the girl had come to light and he tries to make things right to get the bitter soul to leave him and his sister alone.

But as with most tales and folklore from Japan, it's a bitter twisted world.

The story that fits between one half and the other is really creepy. Again based on a legend that if you go into this old building as a couple and write your names down you will be happy forever. The building was where a famous doll marker lived and suffered losing his wife which drove him nuts.

Too many creepy fucking dolls man. Was very good read though.

Like I said it's a slow start and seems to drag it's feet as is typical with alot of J horror but when it gets going you feel a little on edge and feel yourself tense as the truth comes about and everything slots together in a twisted way.

Story: 4/5
Art: 4/5
Gore: 3/5
Scares: 1/5
Pacing: 3/5
Overall enjoyment: 4/5


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