Monday, 31 December 2012

The Walking Dead Board Game

One of my gifts for Christmas was The Walking Dead Board Game and I will be honest. I like the game, it's fun but if I had been the one to have paid for it I would have been disappointed. It has a very large price tag on it of between £29.99 and £34.99.
So be a dead set fan if you want to have this for a collection but unlike allot of boardgames you can play it alone [oddly enough] but your max players are four.
You get two sheets of people to play as, tokens and badges that you just pop out. Made of a gloss card and no struggle or damage when you separate them.
Each character has a 'special abilty' to help in the game. Some are awesome and some are a little naff.. You can play as Lori, Andrea, Glenn, Sean, Rick and Dale. Even though Daryl is in the card pictures you play with he is not a playable option.
The rules are easy enough to follow just takes a little. You start in 'CAMP' which is a safe zone and you can go in any direction you like but every blank spot or spot with a bullet saying +1 or +2 is a zombie attack which is done with dice rolls and cards.
The board has four 'zones' and the corner of each zone is a place such as 'Deparment Store' and you have to collect all four pieces to win but to get the piece you need to survive two zombie 'encounters' which are the 'encounter cards'
Now each encounter/zombie will say something such as 'if you lose you will lose an ally' and an ally is like a life, you have two with the chance to gain them but if you lose them you are dead and become a walker and need to play from the WALKER deck.
But you also get good ones such as if you beat the zombie you gain a 'Scrounge card' which are your weapons.
Now your Scrounge cards have weapons such as 'Handgun' seen in the picture.. the +3 is it's power so if you get a zombie of a +8 power you need to use the +3 card and roll at least a 5 to win on the dice.
So the battle mode is basically use your weapon cards as many as you like against a zombie's number. Some cards once again have power ups.
It's a fun and simple game but we played about 5 times and didn't win, either of us. So it's tough. And unless you are playing with more then two of you if one of you is a walker and one of you is a human it's a very slow cat and mouse game.
It's a cool game, I feel it would have been better as a card game but that's just me.
I'd give it a 4/5

Friday, 28 December 2012

Chernobyl Diaries

First thing I have to stress on is how much like HOSTEL it felt at times. I am sick of how Americans view Europe. I always get the feeling that they thing alot of European countries like Amsterdam, Russia and the likes are backwater and treat them as such, I had that vibe this movie and didn't enjoy it. That's my little gripe over with, if anything it just makes America look stupid.
ANYWAY the plot of the movie is a couple and their female friend and the guys brother are travailing all through Europe and then the brother [I can't remember names as they are all very boring cliche stereotypes and are just meat sacks] suggests an EXTREME TOUR to where the Chernobyl disaster hit back in 1986 .
We then meet Uri and an Aussie couple and the guy Aussie is wearing a very shit beanie hat and the whole way through the movie I want to rip it off of his fucking head. What a dick. So Uri takes them to a check point guarded by government guards who refuse them entry and so they sneak around another way.
Uri stops and shows them a lake where a mutant fish is dead, manages to freak some of the tour group out and when they go we see a load of mutant fish go for dropped meat, I really wish they had put more focus on the fish since one of them falls in the water later and only comes out with a tiny bite.. he should have been savaged and eaten not just a small bite..
Once they get there they park up and look around, from the time we meet Uri the movie perks up, the creepy place and the walking around a ghost town where things happened, it's good sadly that doesn't last very long. They go into one of the buildings and almost get taken out by a bear who was just chilling.
When they return to their van it's been vandalised, but no one lives here right? Uri keeps trying to contact people but nothing works.Soon him and Chris.. I think he's called Chris? leave the van to go and get help but Chris comes back to the van and has been savaged.
German Shepard's start to try and get in the van and everyone shits themselves... They wait till day to get out and look for help...
Now pretty much the plot is as follows.. they just go around in a group around the town and get deeper and deeper into the radioactive places and their group gets picked off by unseen mutants... It's like THE HILLS HAVE EYES but you never see the mutants really.. it has no character no underlying humour.. no nothing.. it's a bunch of tits running around from unseen things and vanishing one by one until there is just two at the end.
They end up in the reactor and their skin is melting and losing their vision etc etc and then they get caught by the guards who are in hazmat suits. He gets shot and she passes out just to be taken to a 'dcotor' which is really a room full of mutants... which you see for a split second.
Small review as this movie is boring, relies on jump tactics where you see nothing, slow boring pacing and the only person you like gets killed at the start.
Boring, boring, boring.
Gore: 0/5
Plot: 1/5
Scares: 2/5
Acting: 1/5
Overall enjoyment: 0/5

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

My X-mas Haul!

Pretty much me showing off the awesome horror related goodies I've gotten this year.
Walking Dead board game, Walking dead comic, Ju-Oh White Ghost, Black Ghost, THE THING remake, The Women In Black all from my partner. Prometheus from my father in law, ITCH the killer anime from my friend, Chernobyl diaries from mother in law and The Walking Dead season 1 and Final Destination 5 from my sister.
Awesome haul. Means I can get rid of some of the crap in my horror movie collection.
Hope you all had a good x-mas.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry X-mas!

A big merry x-mas from Fucking Zombies! horror review blog. Been an awesome year and can't wait for an even better 2013. Hope our readers have a great x-mas and a happy new year!
Much love XJigsawX and Facehugger.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Happy End Of The World Day!

If the world had ended today I'd have no worries. Everyone I love knows I love them, I've lead an interesting life and I'm happy. But it didn't and life will go on.
Tonight I am going to dinner with my friends for X-mas slash HAPPY END OF THE WORLD DAY!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Kakurenbo: Hide & Seek

Kakurenbo: Hide & Seek
I'm fan of both horror and anime so I will always enjoy when the two cross over and this little gem was very pleasing. I found it by chance trying to find another horror related anime. This is a short movie, about 25 mins running time but without the end credits it's more like 23.
It's a CGI but still anime styled movie that has a crisp animation which is nicely done but also keeps within the anime style.
The plot is kids play this game called 'Otokoyo' which is hide and seek in an old and forgotten town and it's rumoured that children go missing, they get taken away by demons and monsters. One boy 'Hikora' is trying to find his sister who he believes was taken by demons while playing this game.
Two twins, our main guy and his friend, a gang of three and one girl all join the game. For some reason they must wear fox masks though it's not really explained why, something to do with one of the demons I think.
The movie is short but all the way through it gives each small group it's own few moments of focus and to be honest other then a few glimpses into personality's such as the middle guy in this picture is a selfish fat asshole and the main guy Hikora  is looking for his sister not much is known about the others.
And you don't really connect with anyone but that doesn't matter, the pacing isn't rushed and you don't feel like you don't know anything.
As the groups go around this dark and eerie city you start to see the demons coming alive and coming after the children. There are five [six if you want to count the twin demons as two] and they each pick off the children.
There is no gore in this but the atmosphere is still chilling and being abit on the creepy side for something animated is fantastic. I was really looking forward to seeing all the demons introduced as how they acted and the ways they moved were creepy and off putting but where the animation flowed so smoothly it was also enjoyable.
As the children run away from these demons and get caught one by one it comes about that the main boy who is looking for his sister was right in his feelings that the lone girl in their group looked alot like his missing sister.. turned out his sister who was taken over by the main demon.
Whoever wins/the last person the demons catch becomes the 'Oni' which means both demon and 'It' like tag! your it! and is taken over by the demon.
Our character is the last to win and there for becomes the new 'oni' as he realises that every child that is captured is turned into a human battery that lights the mighty ghost city and fuels the demons who live in it.
I love how old school and traditional the game is and also the designs of their clothes, the masks, the city and also the demons. I think it's in those details that draw you into this super natural world and you fully enjoy it.
It's a shame it's so short as you get so drawn into the story and the design.
Animation: 4/5
Gore: 0/5
Scares: 3.5/5
Pacing: 4/5
Plot: 5/5
Over all enjoyment: 5/5

Sunday, 16 December 2012


I'm a big fan of British horror, I think we are pretty ace at it but sometimes something comes along and makes you think... oh.. and this movie for me is Broken. A horror movie of the Brit kind and only made in 2006 but pretty unknown from the looks of the Internet.
So here we go on a magical journey of the below average.
The trailers before this movie were so badly made and shit I thought this movie was going to be somewhat dated and mid 1990's sorta era but no, it was 2006. The first thing you notice is the sound isn't the best, everything seems muffled and like they are far too close to their mics but it does get somewhat better.
The movie starts with a women buried alive in a box and struggling to get out, when she does she is attacked by a stranger who looks like he's dressed for a day in 'Red Dead Redemption' and tied to a tree with her neck bound and with one slip she'll be choked to death.
In a SAW style 'the means for your escape is inside your own body' the women digs through her guts and pulls out a razor blade which she uses to cut herself free but not being able to take any more that the stranger has planned she begs him to kill her, instead he simply gives her the gun and she kills herself.
Now the main movie starts and our lead lady whose name I forgot or didn't care about as no one other then her little girl's name gets called at all.. So we'll call her blond lady. Blond lady has a very good date with some dingus and goes home to see her daughter, everything is terribly boring and we wish the movie would get going again..
Ah then she wakes up in the same box as the lady from the credits and the same thing happens to her, bound to a tree and needing to dig out the blade from her cuts to live.
She does and proves herself to the stranger, she stumbles through the woods bailing and making that godawful wailing noises some more while she does so, Oh god when she cries and screams the bad acting comes out in buckets and buckets...
She finds her little girls teddy covered in blood and that gives her more to whine about and soon she is dragged off to a little camp site where she is patched up, her blouse is cleaned..
THIS is my biggest fucking bug bare in the movie,  WHITE blouse which is totally covered in blood is then cleaned to perfect white and I mean PERFECT white with just a rag and a saucepan of hot water.. what the hell, come on you've tried so much to make this look like a 'based on a real story' and yet magical blouses?
Ok enough of that but damn, Really?
So yeah now she is at this nutjobs camp and he's fixed her up nice and chained her to a tree. When she wakes up she whines some more but is given food to shut her up.
Nothing really happens for awhile, she's just forced to do his chores for him such as clean his pots and pans and tend this crappy garden, if the plants die then she dies.
The kidnapper is so posh it's unreal.
So when he's gone for a day of whatever he does, more then likely go into town and get his awful haircut sorted out she manages to grab a knife he just left lying around but when he comes back she's a dumbass and doesn't use it when she has the chance.
More boring stuff happens, he makes her have a wash in front of him, she has sex with him before trying to escape in which he then gives her the 'Misary' treatment and cripples one of her legs.
Not happy with one women to wash his three pots and tend his garden he manages to get ahold of a schoolgirl who's crying and screaming acting is much better then the blond women's but god you just want her to shut the hell up.
After not taking the hint to shut up the stranger shuts her up by removing her tongue.
So that shuts her up and now blond only has to do the garden as school girl now has to wash the pots. More boring things blah but then our clever girl has already had enough of this nutjob and unlike blond who tried sex to get away she fills her sock with stones and bashes the crap out of the stranger, frees herself and is gone.
The bitch that we have followed all this time is wearing socks.. did she never think to? and also all those pots he has are HUGE and heavy! why did no one think of smacking him over the head with those? So school girl escapes and when the stranger comes around he goes after her and strangles her to death which really messes him up as even though he's done horrid things to people he's never 'killed'
When he returns to base the blond women is loose and is armed with a steal pipe he's freaking out and just tells her to kill him. He was a decent enough bad guy and now he's begging for his end like some of the women before have done.. she does it and caves his skull in and limps away.
She finds a little hut on her way through the forest, she peaks in and sees her little girl chained up. She barges her way into the hut.
Just to be faced with a hobo's version of a SAW trap.
Now this movie was obviously painfully low budget and that was more then likely why it was all filmed in a wood but the gore when there was some was good, it didn't look cheap for the most part, I think that's where their budget went.
The acting was bad and the plot was a good idea but I feel more could have happened or at least this movie would have been great if the actors has been more powerful in conveying their emotions and feelings.
For as cheap as it looked at times there was some scenes that looked very well shot and I was impressed such as this one.
Seeing that alone you'd be falled into thinking it was a good quailty movie.
all in all not the best movie.
Gore: 3/5
Plot: 2/5
Acting: 1/5
Scares: 0/5
Pacing: 2/5
Overall enjoyment: 1.5/5

Thursday, 13 December 2012

My Top Ten

Long needed update, sorry for all my 'masses' of readers. I've gotten a full time job so been consumeed with normal life (boo) and here is a rather lame update. My top ten(well.. eleven as I could not cut a final one) movies and suggestions for all of you guys. And it's also out of the ones I own..
Not in any real order mind you.
Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
I confess I still haven't watched the original Dawn Of The Dead but I really loved this movie. I thought it was scary, gripping, the people made you feel ie you thought Ving Rhames was a legend and the annoying girl should just die but either way they weren't cardboard cutouts they were people you either liked or hated where as so many horror movies now are so wafer thin you really don't care about them.
The gore is good, the acting is ace and the sound track is one of the best ones I have ever come across in a horror movie. Just a really good movie and had powerful emotions from the people acting.
I think everyone has seen it and knows what it's about.. zombies, people lock themselves in a mall, etc etc. Who DOESN'T know of this movie?
The Descent (2005)
A British horror movie and gosh don't I have a soft spot for those, the only time I feel any true 'British pride' in fact is when it comes to our horror movies. The Descent was another well paced movie where the characters were all people and had their own personal and emotional struggles even better was that it was women and they weren't typical women in most horror movies.
Our main women is a strong and powerful women [God I sound like a Beyonce song] who not only has to deal with what is going on in the caves but also dealing with a touch realisation that her best fiend has betrayed her.
Six women go into an uncharted cave and they aren't alone as loads of what appear to be Golem from Lord Of The Rings have overrun these dark tunnels. Good scares, good acting, emotional and also mind fucky and not a very nice conclusion to the tale.
Also USA reviews, get ahold of the English version as the ending is the full one not the pussy out ending.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Now this movie IS one of my fav movies of all time. Again it's a great British horror and once again a product of Neil Marshal. I think I saw this one in the movies.. three times and have watched it on VHS and DVD at least ten times in my life it's just an awesome movie.
No special effects, its all as you see it and even down the the werewolves who are clearly men in suits but it doesn't look that fake or tacky it's just good. This to me is the standard of what all werewolf movies need to reach. I have not seen such a great werewolf movie since this one.
It's also abit tongue in cheek with the humour, it's a horror but has some elements of humour which sit neatly in the tense survival and teamwork the movie is all about. The guys who are in it are amazing, if American film makers would watch this then they'd get a real grasp on the actual accents of 'blokes'.
A team of soldiers go for a special training operation up in Scotland but they are being used for bait..
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Now this remake.. I HAVE seen the original one and as mush as I love Wes Craven's works the original failed to have the impact this movie had. It was a close enough remake but it had so much more power and passion shown in the acting and shooting then the first one had, maybe that's an age thing but that's how I think.
Loved the actors, they did some very taboo scenes such as an attempt/actual rape scene and also seeing someone burnt alive but they did it in a tasteful way that still made it more horrible to watch then disgusting. The make-up and the effects on the mutants faces were amazing and I am a huge fan of Robert Joy anyway so it was nice seeing him in a much bigger and more sinister role then he's ever played before.
Good gore and again passionate characters, I can't stress enough how important that is to me in a horror movie and what is so sorely lacked these days. Also the comic add on for this is pretty effing good too.
The Mist (2007)
I don't think many horror fans don't have a Mr King movie on their top tens he is a legend in the genre. The Mist is by far my fav of his works. It's sci-fi horror but done in such a way that it's not OMG ALIENS!!!!! it's a rip in a dimension from the government fucking around and the people are holed up together and having to deal with it.
When you do see the creatures they are well done and creepy, some bits in the movie make you shiver deep down. It's not a jump out scary movie it's a tense and deep movie where you are waiting every second to find out what is going to happen next to these unfortunate people.
I also love the very bold move in the fact that this movie shows that in a time of crises people who are not always believers or God or faith will turn when it looks like they need saving and how easy it is for scared and fearful people to turn to faith and be brainwashed when they think there is no way out.
I hated that women so much for the record.
The people are just as dangerous as the things outside and that's what makes the movie very gripping. The ending is one of the nastiest I have ever seen and even when I watch it now I refuse to watch that ending again as it's such an unsettling and bitter ending.
Pulse (2006)
Originally a Japanese movie which I feel I need to track down and own. The plot is one of the best I have even seen. The dead can pas through a newly opened airwaves and they take from the living what they don't have. Life, the will to live which causes a long string of suicides.
It's a dark movie and very jumpy in places but also the dull feeling of it makes it a depressing movie which goes nicely with the theme. There isn't much more to it then that, the acting could have been better but sometimes a movie can still carry average acting and the effects and the ghosts in this are really chilling.
The thought that the world is doomed to the dead taking over and the only place you are safe are in 'dead zone' another bitter movie but it's good and it also plays on a tech that we so greatly love and can't live without is what fucks us over.
Reeker (2005)
I feel like I am one of the few people out there who thought this movie was good and clever.. I loved this movie. It's another tale of another version of 'Death' 'The Grim Reaper' and it's not clear until the very end what was happening.
It feels like they are stuck in this shit motel and things are going wrong and people are being killed one by one in nasty ways. One girl gets killed while having a shit.. what a way to go man. The gore is good, the effects are good, the pacing is also good and the acting is forgivable. I don't want to go into too much detail as this story is a good one and the ending is one hell of a dosey.
I think it's also one of those movies if you miss 'key bits' that give away the plot you will miss it and need to re-watch to fully understand. A bit of a thinker but very good.
Stay Alive (2006)
Ok, so this movie is pretty shit to most people and I've not seen many good things about it but I ENJOYED it. It was silly, jumpy, dumbass people in the thing but I liked it. The creepy kids in the video game portions were ugh shudder... and it was jumpy and had some real scary bits and pieces here and there.
I liked the idea of a video game that if you died in it you died in real life. The plot of the game itself was pretty awesome and I think it would make a bitching real game. The game seemed to have a life of it's own and had no issues with cheating...
But yeah, no real gore, some moron charters and no real great acting of notice but damnit it was creepy in places and I like video games.

Splinter (2008)
A strange movie that had a really new take on infection. There is this virus that takes ahold of its host, drawn by warmth it takes over and regardless of how the body of it's host can move and wither they are dead or alive.. it takes them over.
The virus is cool and not like much out there. Gore and acting is fine and the plot isn't the best but the actual movie is really good to watch.. even though there is a comical scene where a hand has a mind and life of it's own and is very close to THING  from Addams Family.
The Skeleton Key (2005)
I love the plot of this movie, it's not jump out scary or gory it's just a good movie and the plot is amazing. There needs to be more voodoo related movies in modern times. The acting is great, the atmosphere is good and the movie even though it has it's non scary moments never seems boring it's still interesting.
It sets a good mood and vibe that really suits it and you can sink into as you watch it. The ending is amazing and abit of a plot twist. Bitter and sweet almost.
Our main women is a carer for those who are on their way out of life and cares more about the people then alot of the others, she takes on a job as a live in carer to help a wife of the man who had a stroke and things in the old house aren't as they seem.
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Corny as fuck but a great movie for giggles. The psychic Denis is the highlight of the whole thing, how he deals with the horridly stupid family of their late uncle who the worked for. There are some real funny bits, I will never forget 'Goats in the basement?' 'GHOSTS! there are GHOSTS in the basement, if it was petting zoo down there do you think I'd be so fucking freaked out!?'
I love how stupid the family is and how horridly cliche their black nanny is.
So a family who has a loving mother, father and two kids unit suffers a terrible tragedy and fall on hard times and the fathers uncle dies and leaves them a house... made of glass and covered in creepy Latin spells.
The ghosts are well designed and I really liked the whole 'Zodiac' spin on it. I liked the story as bad as it was. Gore was good, scares were pretty good, I always loved when the camera would just take you down the halls of  the glass house and you'd maybe just catch a look of something..
Also 'the Torso' ghost was just a legless torso wrapped in plastic with his head separate.. how they hell is he going to do any damage? chuck his head at you? ok so some of the ghost designs weren't the best..
So those are my top ten movies, good or bad I like them for whatever reason and really hope you all have a watch and also enjoy!

Monday, 3 December 2012

The Task

This is another movie I saw in the horror section of the local cheap movie store for a cool £1.99 and thought it sounded ok very similar to another movie I had seen years ago and decided to buy it. I really need to stop getting sucked into three for a fiver deals. No good normally comes of it.
So the plot is there is a game show and it's set in a very large prison that has been subject to a horrid past and is now no longer in use. So that's the nice cliche plot of it. The consents get dragged from their normal lives and thrown into this game show.
The contestants are
Gay guy
Blondie bimbo
Stereotype blackman
Bad British accent girl
Bad British accent guy
Smart Asian girl
They have names but none I cared to remember? anyway..
So they are locked in a room and each one is given a task to complete either on their own or in pairs. Now I know this might sound abit shit and just an excuse for gore but this movie really isn't about the gore.
They perform their tasks while being watched by the production crew and small things start to go wrong, camera's go on and off and a man who they do not recognise is also there appearing and looming over our contestant's. The crew click that the people behind all of this are just trying to get a reaction out of the crew as they watch the show unfold.
Some of the tasks include cliche black guy having to lay down in a small hole in the floor full of shit which I do not like the thought of as being buried alive is one of my own personal little nightmares and it's even worse if your buried alive in alot of peoples turds.
Another task is bad Brit accent guy and super smart Indian girl go off and into a gas chamber where she is strapped down and he puts a gas mask on her 'just in case'.
The story of the prison is told that the warden was evil and used to torture and kill his male prisoners but the true story was there was also a women's wing and he would rape and starve these women and even feed them their own children. He was a pretty sick mother fucker and you see him looming over the people and following them down hall ways.
So things pan out and it seems the ghost of warden is going around and causing trouble. He kills one of the production crew that was sent to fix the camera's. He stabs Blondie and gay guy and takes the gas mask off of the girl in the gas chamber causing her to die.
Later he kidnaps the British guy and drags him away. With all these things going wrong the women who is in charge of the production team goes down there herself to sort it out and comes face to face with the warden... who goes to stab her and doesn't.
It was all to get the women, was all fake, the warden was just people pretending to be the warden, stunt doubles, was like she was on a secret camera kind of show. Everyone laughs and gay and Blondie come out of the background and joked about the fake deaths.
The woman is shocked but amused and goes to collect the other people.
British guy and girl sadly suffer a bad fate. The guy is hung upside down and killed by the real ghost of the warden and the women he treated so poorly and starved eat the guy. The girl runs down the halls, slips and see's the body of the really dead member of the crew.
Another guy goes to check on the black guy who was stuck in the shit hole... As the crew lady finds the girl dead in the gas chamber she realised that one of the 'fake' wardens was really the ghost of the evil man himself and the Indian girl and black guy as well as the British guy are really dead.
As she makes this discovery he appears in the watching room and the gas kills the women while everyone in the prison starts to feel the wrath of the warden. It was set up to be real, but was fake... but then there was the actual warden in the background.
The plot twist was a little weak but the pacing of this movie was fantastic, it was strong, there was never a moment where you got bored. There was little gore but the bits you had were.. corny but acceptable.
The consents were all really fucking annoying but at least they felt 'real' and the atmosphere was good and I felt gripped alot along the way. It wasn't jump out scary it was scary due to the vibe and the feel which so few modern western movies are able to do.
So i did enjoy it. I liked the way it was shot how the screen would split up into different cameras and different reactions.
Plot: 2/5
Scares: 3.5/5
Gore: 1/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall Enjoyment: 4/5