Monday 5 March 2012


Headline from a UK paper 'The Sun' from last Thursday. I admit I only read the paper when I'm waiting to start work or go home but that's not the point.

Now I know this is something that's been in media for years. Violent video games cause kids to go on killing rampages, car games fuel road rage and that Marylin Manson fella will make your kids worship Satan etc.. But this article is fucking bull shit.

Violent people will lash out and be violent due to their nature, maybe sometimes there is something that triggers their actions sometimes but to say any ONE thing makes a person do what they do is naive. Once again it's easier to blame things like violent games and movies then shine a light on the bad parenting and the state of our times.

Not once did the article say the killer SAID it was due to an obsession with SAW he was simply asked "It sounded like the gruesome torture film SAW?" to which he replied "Yeah, like that"

I take articles like this with a pinch of salt as it's a shock value piece but as an avid fan of the 'Horror' genre and a fan of SAW I had to make this entry. Almost every DVD I own is horror where something nasty happens or there is an element of death and gore but that doesn't mean I have a dark urge to kill people.

To suggest it was due to simply owning the entire collection is such a load of crap. Did he also own all of 'Peppa Pig' and 'Spunge Bob'? Heard people talk to pigs and dress them up and oh try and live in a pineapple under the sea, awful stuff those shows.

SAW is a violent and gory movie, yes and this is what people focused on when they raided his home., If it hadn't been SAW it would have been the next blame able object.

Society is to blame for people like this and the actions they take, stop trying to buck the blame and sort out the hole that is current times.

To read the article SAW TORTURE FILM FAN...


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