Thursday 13 December 2012

My Top Ten

Long needed update, sorry for all my 'masses' of readers. I've gotten a full time job so been consumeed with normal life (boo) and here is a rather lame update. My top ten(well.. eleven as I could not cut a final one) movies and suggestions for all of you guys. And it's also out of the ones I own..
Not in any real order mind you.
Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
I confess I still haven't watched the original Dawn Of The Dead but I really loved this movie. I thought it was scary, gripping, the people made you feel ie you thought Ving Rhames was a legend and the annoying girl should just die but either way they weren't cardboard cutouts they were people you either liked or hated where as so many horror movies now are so wafer thin you really don't care about them.
The gore is good, the acting is ace and the sound track is one of the best ones I have ever come across in a horror movie. Just a really good movie and had powerful emotions from the people acting.
I think everyone has seen it and knows what it's about.. zombies, people lock themselves in a mall, etc etc. Who DOESN'T know of this movie?
The Descent (2005)
A British horror movie and gosh don't I have a soft spot for those, the only time I feel any true 'British pride' in fact is when it comes to our horror movies. The Descent was another well paced movie where the characters were all people and had their own personal and emotional struggles even better was that it was women and they weren't typical women in most horror movies.
Our main women is a strong and powerful women [God I sound like a Beyonce song] who not only has to deal with what is going on in the caves but also dealing with a touch realisation that her best fiend has betrayed her.
Six women go into an uncharted cave and they aren't alone as loads of what appear to be Golem from Lord Of The Rings have overrun these dark tunnels. Good scares, good acting, emotional and also mind fucky and not a very nice conclusion to the tale.
Also USA reviews, get ahold of the English version as the ending is the full one not the pussy out ending.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Now this movie IS one of my fav movies of all time. Again it's a great British horror and once again a product of Neil Marshal. I think I saw this one in the movies.. three times and have watched it on VHS and DVD at least ten times in my life it's just an awesome movie.
No special effects, its all as you see it and even down the the werewolves who are clearly men in suits but it doesn't look that fake or tacky it's just good. This to me is the standard of what all werewolf movies need to reach. I have not seen such a great werewolf movie since this one.
It's also abit tongue in cheek with the humour, it's a horror but has some elements of humour which sit neatly in the tense survival and teamwork the movie is all about. The guys who are in it are amazing, if American film makers would watch this then they'd get a real grasp on the actual accents of 'blokes'.
A team of soldiers go for a special training operation up in Scotland but they are being used for bait..
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Now this remake.. I HAVE seen the original one and as mush as I love Wes Craven's works the original failed to have the impact this movie had. It was a close enough remake but it had so much more power and passion shown in the acting and shooting then the first one had, maybe that's an age thing but that's how I think.
Loved the actors, they did some very taboo scenes such as an attempt/actual rape scene and also seeing someone burnt alive but they did it in a tasteful way that still made it more horrible to watch then disgusting. The make-up and the effects on the mutants faces were amazing and I am a huge fan of Robert Joy anyway so it was nice seeing him in a much bigger and more sinister role then he's ever played before.
Good gore and again passionate characters, I can't stress enough how important that is to me in a horror movie and what is so sorely lacked these days. Also the comic add on for this is pretty effing good too.
The Mist (2007)
I don't think many horror fans don't have a Mr King movie on their top tens he is a legend in the genre. The Mist is by far my fav of his works. It's sci-fi horror but done in such a way that it's not OMG ALIENS!!!!! it's a rip in a dimension from the government fucking around and the people are holed up together and having to deal with it.
When you do see the creatures they are well done and creepy, some bits in the movie make you shiver deep down. It's not a jump out scary movie it's a tense and deep movie where you are waiting every second to find out what is going to happen next to these unfortunate people.
I also love the very bold move in the fact that this movie shows that in a time of crises people who are not always believers or God or faith will turn when it looks like they need saving and how easy it is for scared and fearful people to turn to faith and be brainwashed when they think there is no way out.
I hated that women so much for the record.
The people are just as dangerous as the things outside and that's what makes the movie very gripping. The ending is one of the nastiest I have ever seen and even when I watch it now I refuse to watch that ending again as it's such an unsettling and bitter ending.
Pulse (2006)
Originally a Japanese movie which I feel I need to track down and own. The plot is one of the best I have even seen. The dead can pas through a newly opened airwaves and they take from the living what they don't have. Life, the will to live which causes a long string of suicides.
It's a dark movie and very jumpy in places but also the dull feeling of it makes it a depressing movie which goes nicely with the theme. There isn't much more to it then that, the acting could have been better but sometimes a movie can still carry average acting and the effects and the ghosts in this are really chilling.
The thought that the world is doomed to the dead taking over and the only place you are safe are in 'dead zone' another bitter movie but it's good and it also plays on a tech that we so greatly love and can't live without is what fucks us over.
Reeker (2005)
I feel like I am one of the few people out there who thought this movie was good and clever.. I loved this movie. It's another tale of another version of 'Death' 'The Grim Reaper' and it's not clear until the very end what was happening.
It feels like they are stuck in this shit motel and things are going wrong and people are being killed one by one in nasty ways. One girl gets killed while having a shit.. what a way to go man. The gore is good, the effects are good, the pacing is also good and the acting is forgivable. I don't want to go into too much detail as this story is a good one and the ending is one hell of a dosey.
I think it's also one of those movies if you miss 'key bits' that give away the plot you will miss it and need to re-watch to fully understand. A bit of a thinker but very good.
Stay Alive (2006)
Ok, so this movie is pretty shit to most people and I've not seen many good things about it but I ENJOYED it. It was silly, jumpy, dumbass people in the thing but I liked it. The creepy kids in the video game portions were ugh shudder... and it was jumpy and had some real scary bits and pieces here and there.
I liked the idea of a video game that if you died in it you died in real life. The plot of the game itself was pretty awesome and I think it would make a bitching real game. The game seemed to have a life of it's own and had no issues with cheating...
But yeah, no real gore, some moron charters and no real great acting of notice but damnit it was creepy in places and I like video games.

Splinter (2008)
A strange movie that had a really new take on infection. There is this virus that takes ahold of its host, drawn by warmth it takes over and regardless of how the body of it's host can move and wither they are dead or alive.. it takes them over.
The virus is cool and not like much out there. Gore and acting is fine and the plot isn't the best but the actual movie is really good to watch.. even though there is a comical scene where a hand has a mind and life of it's own and is very close to THING  from Addams Family.
The Skeleton Key (2005)
I love the plot of this movie, it's not jump out scary or gory it's just a good movie and the plot is amazing. There needs to be more voodoo related movies in modern times. The acting is great, the atmosphere is good and the movie even though it has it's non scary moments never seems boring it's still interesting.
It sets a good mood and vibe that really suits it and you can sink into as you watch it. The ending is amazing and abit of a plot twist. Bitter and sweet almost.
Our main women is a carer for those who are on their way out of life and cares more about the people then alot of the others, she takes on a job as a live in carer to help a wife of the man who had a stroke and things in the old house aren't as they seem.
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Corny as fuck but a great movie for giggles. The psychic Denis is the highlight of the whole thing, how he deals with the horridly stupid family of their late uncle who the worked for. There are some real funny bits, I will never forget 'Goats in the basement?' 'GHOSTS! there are GHOSTS in the basement, if it was petting zoo down there do you think I'd be so fucking freaked out!?'
I love how stupid the family is and how horridly cliche their black nanny is.
So a family who has a loving mother, father and two kids unit suffers a terrible tragedy and fall on hard times and the fathers uncle dies and leaves them a house... made of glass and covered in creepy Latin spells.
The ghosts are well designed and I really liked the whole 'Zodiac' spin on it. I liked the story as bad as it was. Gore was good, scares were pretty good, I always loved when the camera would just take you down the halls of  the glass house and you'd maybe just catch a look of something..
Also 'the Torso' ghost was just a legless torso wrapped in plastic with his head separate.. how they hell is he going to do any damage? chuck his head at you? ok so some of the ghost designs weren't the best..
So those are my top ten movies, good or bad I like them for whatever reason and really hope you all have a watch and also enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm ashamed to say i've only seen five of these :S but you missed The Ring off the list! :)
